Sunday, November 17, 2013

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 9

Day 9: I am thankful for my church Covenant Church McKinney! I started attending this church in 2010 and since then, have grown tremendously in my faith and knowledge of my God and my self. There is something so amazing and awesome about this church. You can feel it when you enter - the people, the atmosphere, the worship team, the worship music, the sermons, and the prayers - something about this church just strikes you and penetrates through to your heart. All stress, worry, and burdens lift upon entering. As soon as the music begins . . . boom! That "something" hits you again and you realize what it is: God, like never before! His presence is so thick, so captivating, and so real at this church. You can't help but release all the pain, hurt, and struggle you have up to God and as you do, there is an instant feeling of His love, peace, joy, healing, and restoration. Such a transaction in itself is a miracle. I have grown so much, in so many ways, the past 3 years from being a part of this church. I now am confident of who my God is and who I want to be and I owe it, in large part, to this church. Much love to my Covenant family! 

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