Friday, November 29, 2013

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Day 18

Day 18: I am thankful for my gut instinct! There is something so special about the gut instinct. It has been given to us for a specific reason. Just think about all the times we don't listen to it but then get in trouble. Or when we just have a "feeling" . . . and our feeling was dead on! Come on now, our gut instinct has power, truth, and our best interest at heart. It is our guide, our teacher, and our help - helping us make the right decisions! No situation is too tough! Rain or shine, our gut instinct is fired up working! It can tell us that a certain person needs uplifted and then gives us the exact word he or she needs to hear. It tells us when something is wrong and, if we pay close attention, it even tells us what that "something" is and when to act. How awesome to have! Our gut instinct screams the evidence of something far greater than ourselves. Our gut instinct is the Holy Spirit, live and in action! May we listen whole-heartedly, as it will determine the course our lives take!

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