Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Upcoming Speeches

December 4, 2012 - MADD Allen Teen VIP at 7:00 pm located at 301 Century Parkway, Allen, TX 75013.

December 8, 2012 - McKinney YMCA MyChallenge at 12:00 pm (or possibly 11:00 am) located at 300 Ridge Road, McKinney, TX 75070 to at-risk teenagers.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Gift of Christmas

Want to bless a child this Christmas? Through World Help, you can bless an orphan with a Christmas gift for only $5 a child (covers the shipping of the Christmas box). This is an amazing organization which really seeks to "help" the world. "Something so simple can bring a level of joy only a child can fully understand. Giving to ship Christmas for Orphan boxes is an easy way of showing love. The look on a child's face is priceless as they receive their first—and very own—gifts" (World Help, 2012). They provide many other great ways to help as well and let you specifically choose a service or need! Visit http://goh.worldhelp.net/cfao/ to gift a Christmas box to a orphan and http://goh.worldhelp.net/ for other gifting options. You will make a "world" of a difference!

For the daily needs of impoverished children/families:
- Immunizations
- Bedding
- Shoes
- Coats
- Life saving supplies including food and clean drinking water
- Mosquito nets
- Wheelchair
- Operation Baby Rescue & Child Sponsorship

For school and education:
- School scholarships
- Books and supplies
- Uniforms (some kids cannot attend school without a uniform)
- Sports equipment
- Rooms to learn
- Sewing Machines
- Welding equipment
- Hair styling tools and products

Sustainability for a family:
- Livestock (Goats, Pigs, Cows, Sheep, Chickens, or Rabbits)
- Fruit trees
- Beehives
- Harvest-producing seeds
- Bicycles

Community & Spiritual Development:
- Bibles
- A church
- A home
- A clean-water project

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Upcoming Speeches

November 14, 2012 - MADD Plano Teen VIP at 6:20 pm located at 900 E 15th Street, Plano 75074.

November 17, 2012 - McKinney YMCA MyChallenge at 1:00 pm located at 300 Ridge Road, McKinney, TX 75070 to at-risk teenagers.

November 28, 2012 - MADD McKinney Adult VIP at 6:00 pm located at 2100 Bloomdale Road, McKinney 75071. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Nobel Prize for Adult Stem Cell Discovery

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Scientists from Britain and Japan shared a Nobel Prize on Monday for the discovery that adult cells can be transformed back into embryo-like stem cells that may one day regrow tissue in damaged brains, hearts or other organs.
John Gurdon, 79, of the Gurdon Institute in Cambridge, Britain and Shinya Yamanaka, 50, of Kyoto University in Japan, discovered ways to create tissue that would act like embryonic cells, without the need to collect the cells from embryos.

They share the $1.2 million Nobel Prize for Medicine, for work Gurdon began 50 years ago and Yamanaka capped with a 2006 experiment that transformed the field of "regenerative medicine" - the search for ways to cure disease by growing healthy tissue.

"These groundbreaking discoveries have completely changed our view of the development and specialization of cells," the Nobel Assembly at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute said.

All of the body starts as stem cells, before developing into tissue like skin, blood, nerves, muscle and bone. The big hope is that stem cells can grow to replace damaged tissue in cases from spinal cord injuries to Parkinson's disease.

Scientists once thought it was impossible to turn adult tissue back into stem cells. That meant new stem cells could only be created by taking them from embryos, which raised ethical objections that led to research bans in some countries.

As far back as 1962 Gurdon became the first scientist to clone an animal, making a healthy tadpole from the egg of a frog with DNA from another tadpole's intestinal cell. That showed that developed cells carry the information to make every cell in the body - decades before other scientists made world headlines by cloning the first mammal from adult DNA, Dolly the sheep.

More than 40 years later, Yamanaka produced mouse stem cells from adult mouse skin cells by inserting a small number of genes. His breakthrough effectively showed that the development that takes place in adult tissue could be reversed, turning adult tissue back into cells that behave like embryos.

Stem cells created from adult tissue are known as "induced pluripotency stem cells", or iPS cells. Because patients may one day be treated with stem cells from their own tissue, their bodies might be less likely to reject them.

"The eventual aim is to provide replacement cells of all kinds," Gurdon's institute explains on its website.

"We would like to be able to find a way of obtaining spare heart or brain cells from skin or blood cells. The important point is that the replacement cells need to be from the same individual, to avoid problems of rejection and hence of the need for immunosuppression."

In just six years, Yamanaka's paper has already been cited more than 4,000 times in other scientists' work.

In a news conference in Japan, he thanked his team of young researchers: "My joy is very great. But I feel a grave sense of responsibility as well."

Gurdon spoke of his own unlikely career as a young man who loved science but was steered away from it at school, only to take it up again at university.

He still keeps an old school report in a frame on his desk: "I believe he has ideas about becoming a scientist... This is quite ridiculous," his teacher wrote. "It would be a sheer waste of time, both on his part and of those who have to teach him."


The science of iPS cells is still in early stages. Among concerns is the fear that implanted cells could grow out of control and develop into tumors.

Some scientists say stem cells from embryos may prove more useful against disease than iPS cells, and the ethics of working with embryos should be defended.

Nevertheless, since Yamanaka published his findings the discoveries have already produced advances. The techniques are being used to grow cells in laboratories to study disease, the chairman of the awards committee, Urban Lendahl, told Reuters.

"You can't take out a large part of the heart or the brain or so to study this, but now you can take a cell from, for example, the skin of the patient, reprogramme it, return it to a pluripotent state, and then grow it in a laboratory," he said.

"The second thing is for further ahead. If you can grow different cell types from a cell from a human, you might - in theory for now but in future hopefully - be able to return cells where cells have been lost."

Thomas Perlmann, Nobel Committee member and professor of Molecular Development Biology at the Karolinska Institute said: "Thanks to these two scientists, we know now that development is not strictly a one-way street."

"There is lot of promise and excitement, and difficult disorders such as neurodegenerative disorders, like perhaps Alzheimer's and, more likely, Parkinson's disease, are very interesting targets."

For now, both men said their scientific work continues.

Asked why he still keeps his schoolteacher's discouraging report, Gurdon said: "When you're having problems, like when an experiment doesn't work - which often happens - it's nice to remind yourself that perhaps after all you're not so good at this job and the schoolmaster may have been right."

(Reporting by Patrick Lannin, Alistair Scrutton, Ben Hirschler, Kate Kelland, Kiyoshi Takenaka, Chris Wickham and Peter Graff; writing by Peter Graff; editing by Philippa Fletcher)

Ringstrom, Anna. "UK, Japan Scientists Win Nobel for Adult Stem Cell Discovery." Yahoo! News. 8 October 2012. Web. 8 October 2012. .

Pink in the Rink Fundraiser Benefiting Mary Kay Foundation

Please join us on Friday, November 2nd to cheer on the Allen Americans vs Tulsa Oilers! A portion of the tickets will benefit the Mary Kay Foundation!

Please visit the website to find out more information about The Mary Kay Foundation: www.marykayfoundation.org
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this information in making the decision to help support the Mary Kay Foundation.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Upcoming Speeches

October 17, 2012 - MADD McKinney Adult VIP from 6:00-8:00 pm located at 2100 Bloomdale Road, McKinney 75071.

October 20, 2012 - I am teaming up with Teen Court and speaking at the McKinney YMCA to at-risk teenagers located at 300 Ridge Road, McKinney, TX 75070 at 1:00 pm.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request

Two nights ago, a good friend of Billy's (my boyfriend) was in a bad car crash and is now paralyzed with a complete C6-7 spinal cord injury (exactly what I have). He is currently at Parkland Hospital in the ICU.

Father, we lift up Toby to you and praise You God for his life. We pray God that You will guide the hands and tests of the doctors and bless Toby with a miraculous recovery in the name of Jesus. God, reveal Yourself to him and his family in a fresh new way. May they learn of Your grace, love, and goodness and may they learn who their God is through this tragic situation. Speak to them God and protect his children as they search for answers. God, we know You have a special plan for Toby and I pray that Your will be done in his life. Father, prepare and strengthen Toby and his family for the road ahead. Give them endurance and help them to persevere. We refuse the report of the world and release the report of the Lord. Cover him and his room with Your healing and guiding spirit. Father, we pray for strength, sensations, movements, and all abilities to return in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, awaken his body. Awaken his spinal cord we pray in the name of Jesus. I pray that his girlfriend be encouraged and feel Your spirit. Help her through this as well. Thank you God again, for saving Toby. May he grab hold of this second chance and arise as the man You created him to be. I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Select "Will Pray" if you prayed this prayer. If this blog was sent directly to your email, please visit the blog page and select the box "Will Pray." Thanks. Please share.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Upcoming Speech

September 19, 2012 - MADD McKinney Adult VIP at 6:00 pm located at 2100 Bloomdale Road, McKinney 75071.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

1. Black beans
"A cup of black beans packs a whopping 15 grams of satisfying protein and doesn't contain any of the saturated fat found in other protein sources, like red meat."

2. Oats
"Oats are rich in fiber, so a serving can help you feel full throughout the day. Just a half cup packs 4.6 grams of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat."

3. Avocados
"Oleic acid, a compound in avocados' healthy monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), may trigger your body to actually quiet hunger. The creamy fruit is also packed with fiber and protein."

4. Salmon
"Lean sources of protein help you feel full without adding fat."

5. Blueberries
"Best known for their anti-aging effects, blueberries, while tiny, are a powerful figure-friendly eat" and are packed with fiber.

6. Broccoli
"Cooked or raw, this cruciferous veggie is well-known for its cancer-preventing powers, but with a punch of filling fiber in less than 30 calories a serving, it's bound to prevent weight problems too."

7.  Brown rice
"Brown rice is a heartier, fiber-packed alternative to less-than-super white rice [and is a Resistant Starch]. . . Plus, brown rice is a low-energy-density food, meaning it's heavy and filling but low in calories."

8. Pears
"Just one pear packs 15% of your daily recommended amount of fiber. . . Ditch the peeler though; the skin is where all that filling fiber is hiding"

9.  Wine
"Resveratrol, the famed antioxidant found in grape skin, stops fat storage."

10. Grapefruit
"A compound in the tangy fruit can lower insulin, a fat-storage hormone, and that can lead to weight loss. It's also a good source of protein, and because it's at least 90% water, it can fill you up so you eat less."

11. Kidney beans
"One of several varieties of beans to make the list, red beans offer protein and fiber (more than 5 grams per serving!). Kidney beans are also rich in Resistant Starch."

12. Almonds
Almonds "are another superfood rich in healthy fats that help you slim down."

13. Green tea
"This steamy sip hydrates like water, which can help fill you up and shed pounds. Plus, the antioxidants in green tea will up your fat burn and calorie burn. One study found that five cups a day could help you lose twice as much weight, most of it around your middle."

14.  Lentils
"Lentils are a great source of satiating protein and fiber . . . [and are also] a Resistant Starch."

15. Bananas
Bananas are a great Resistant Starch.

16. Eggs
"Eggs get a bad rap when it comes to weight loss. But the breakfast staple is loaded with protein that will curb your appetite."

17. Dark chocolate
"A nibble of dark chocolate here and there can slow down digestion so you feel full longer and eat less at your next meal. Dark chocolate is full of MUFAs; studies show eating a diet high in these healthy fats can rev your metabolism to burn fat and calories.

18. Oranges
"At only 59 calories, you may not expect much from an orange, but thanks to a hefty dose of fiber, it ranks highest among fruits on a list of 38 filling foods put together by Australian researchers. Feeling full can help you eat less throughout the day."

19. Potatoes
"True, potatoes are high in carbs, but they are three times as filling as a slice of white bread, and top all the foods on the same satiety index as oranges. Plus, potatoes are also rich in Resistant Starch."

20. Pine nuts
"These tiny bites pack the same heart-healthy fatty acids that quell hunger hormones and burn belly fat."

21. White beans
"One-half cup of these fiber-packed beans contains almost 4 grams of fat-blasting Resistant Starch."

22. Cheese
"Fresh goat cheese and feta contain a fatty acid that helps you feel full and burn more fat. Look for cheeses labeled "grass-fed," as those will have the highest content of this healthy fat."

23. Low-fat milk
"The same fatty acid [in cheese] is found in milk, and milk's proteins can keep you feeling satisfied" Plus, milk is a great source of calcium.

24. Garbanzo beans (Chickpeas)
"These slimming beans pack more than 2 grams of Resistant Starch per half-cup serving. They're also a great source of fiber, protein, and healthy fats."

25. Pearl barley
"This starchy side makes a slimming complement to a low-cal meal by adding some satisfying fiber and nearly 2 grams of Resistant Starch in just a half-cup serving."

26. Quinoa
"Another diet-friendly whole grain, quinoa is rich in hunger-fighting protein. You'll stay full longer on fewer calories and avoid overeating at other meals."

27. Plantains
"A half cup of cooked plantains packs almost 3 grams of Resistant Starch."

"Best Superfoods for Weight Loss." Health Magazine. Web.  7 September 2012. http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20475957,00.html.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hurricane Isaac Aftermath

As we sit in the comfort of our own homes, let us keep in mind those who are experiencing devastation from Hurricane Isaac whether it be themselves, their homes, or their towns. 

Father, I pray for Your protection over Your people. May they feel Your loving presence and be encouraged, comforted, and guided through this difficult time. Give them endurance Lord, strength, and perseverance. Father, open doors for them and provide them with shelter, food, clean water, clothes, and stability. We pray for them to be blessed with even more than what has been damaged or lost. Lift their spirits Lord and introduce people in their lives who know You God and are filled with Your love and firm in their faith. I pray that their love and willingness to help will shine and lead to many salvations. We pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

AP Photo/Eric Day. "Isaac's Aftermath." Yahoo! News. 31 August 2012. Web. 4 September 2012. http://news.yahoo.com/photos/tropical-storm-isaac-slideshow/residents-evacuate-flooded-neighborhood-thursday-aug-30-2012-photo-103830646.html.

Visit here for more information and pictures.

Monday, August 13, 2012

1 Corinthians 1:26-31 (NIV)

Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not —to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”

"1 Corinthians 1 (New International Version)." Biblegateway.com. 11 August 2012. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%201&version=NIV. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Upcoming Speech

August 18, 2012 - I am teaming up with Teen Court and speaking at the McKinney YMCA to at-risk teenagers located at 300 Ridge Road, McKinney, TX 75070 at 12:00 pm.

Please keep the teenagers in your prayers. Thanks.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

June 16, 2012 (Wreck Anniversary Cont'd)

On June 16, 2005 I was in a near-fatal car wreck which left me paralyzed, broken in spirit, and confused about my purpose and life all together. It has been a difficult journey and I've had a lot of growing up to do but I would not be who I am had it not happened. I have been reconnected with my Savior and learned many invaluable lessons and revelations that prepare the way for my future and for who I was created to be.

In early May, I received an email requesting that I come share my story with a group of at-risk teens at the YMCA in McKinney, my hometown, on my 7th year wreck anniversary. I knew instantly that it was meant to be and without hesitation, accepted the request.

Part of what I shared with these teens is that we are the way we are because we were made for a specific purpose. We each have our own unique set of interests, talents, abilities, and life experiences which shape who we are. Which ones are unique to you and how can you use them to reach others? To rescue others? What have you overcame that others, who may have no direction, are still struggling with?

For me personally, I had a very difficult time fitting in when I was in school, I have had several experiences where I have been taken advantage of by friends and even guys, I have experienced losing almost all of my friends, I have had experience with drugs, and although I did not like to drink, I had a bad experience with alcohol which landed me in this chair. As for my interests, I enjoy speaking, being a leader, and helping others. And it is in these moments that I am living in accordance to the experiences, interests, and abilities that I have been given that I truly feel joy and feel that I am fulfilling my purpose. There is no greater feeling  and that is why I encourage you to take hold of what you have been given because everything that life is about is to constantly prepare you for your future.

May today mark a new beginning for all of us. Life is meant to be lived and we are meant to help others. Let's open our hearts and minds to our true purpose and actually living a life of purpose. Every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, produce, and bring about change. There are so many people that are lost, lonely, depressed, and in lack and there are just as many social problems in our world that need tackled. What have we been waiting for? A push? A shove? Count this as one. Let God use you. Help others. Love others. Forgive.

Father, We give you our hearts, our minds, our lives, and our relationships for Your purposes. Mold us God. Work in us. Speak to us. Lead us. Convict us. Open our eyes Lord so that we will see with Your vision. Reveal to us the hurting, the lonely, the broken-hearted, and those in need and how we can help. Provide us with opportunities to serve. May we stop living for the world and for ourselves and start living for you Lord. Forgive us God for our selfishness. Give us a kingdom mindset. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 4th Events in McKinney, TX

Events Scheduled for Wednesday, July 4
Historic Downtown McKinney                                    

  • Hometown Parade  – 10 a.m.
  • Sidewalk Sales  – 10 a.m.
  • Car Show - 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
    (See map below)

McKinney Soccer Complex at Craig Ranch

  • Family activities and food  – 7:00 - 9:30 p.m.
  • Live entertainment – Jon Christopher Davis & Lone Star Attitude  – 8:00 - 9:30 p.m.
  • Fireworks  – 9:45 p.m.
Visit http://www.mckinneyoem.org/RWB/ for more information and parade map.

Visit The Hunger Site this holiday at www.thehungersite.com. Purchased items provide food to the hungry. They will appreciate it and it will also make you feel good. The store has really neat gifts. My favs are the crafts they make with recycled products :) 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Father's Day, My Sister In Town, & My 7 Year Wreck Anniversary

My sister, who lives in Chicago, came into town for Father's Day this year and she stayed for 6 days. When discussing how to celebrate our Dads (my Dad and my boyfriend Billy's Dad), we decided to have a giant fish fry at our house since both our freezer and Billy's Dad's freezer had bags of fish stored in them. I was told that there were many types of fish caught - catfish, bass, crappie... but I just called them Yum, Yum, and Yum! I've included a picture of some keepers. On the Saturday before Father's Day, my sister, Dad, and boyfriend went fishing one more time while my Mom and I went to the YMCA because I had a speaking engagement there.

We started the big day off with an amazing church service at The Covenant Church in McKinney. I feel the Holy Spirit ACTIVE in that place! The music and sermon were wonderful. Our Pastor began his sermon by prooving the power and significance of a father in a child's life and included upsetting statistics. A father-less child's wellness and success is at an alarming disadvantage. He went further to include examples of children that beat the statistics and encouraged us all to beat the statistics! What I loved most was how our Pastor commended fathers that are FATHERS and have active roles in the lives of their children as well as mothers who unfortunately must play the role of both parents. He ended with charging fathers to be the men that God created them to be - fathers, husbands, sons, employees, neghbors, friends - with integrity and love. Amen!

Later that day, we had Billy's Dad and siblings over as well as the Leachs, our neighbors who just moved, and began the fish frying adventure. We had Louisiana style fish, grilled and fried squash, almond broccili cole slaw, big lima beans, Mom's potato salad, fruit salad, watermelon, and cookies!! Everything tasted ah-mazing! It was a nice and needed time with friends and family! We also went to the movies and watched The Avengers!

The remainder of my sister's visit was great. We also had a burger cookout with the DeWets, other neighbor friends and ate way too much AGAIN! Now, all I have to do is devise a plan to bring my sister home! Any suggestions are welcome!

I would like to end by thanking and commending all of the fathers as well as mothers who truly are that - fathers and mothers. It is a big responsibility but it is a great treasure as well. A special thank you to my parents. June 16, 2012 was the 7th anniversary of my car wreck and all that comes to mind is your love, mercy, grace, patience, support, and devotion. You are what comes to mind. You both are truly amazing and one of a kind. The two revelations received from my wreck that I treasure most are realizing how much God and you love me. I love you both and am so grateful to have such ALL-STAR parents.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What the Bible Can Teach You About Investing Today

Ron Blue has an investment philosophy you don't hear very often these days. Specifically, the Founder and Managing Director of Kingdom Advisors says the old proverbs found in the Bible hold the keys to today's investment success.

Blue began reading and studying the bible only after becoming well-versed in the tenets of financial reporting as a Certified Public Accountant. What surprised him was the degree to which doing either effectively came down to the same basic rules. Blue recently came on Breakout to share some of these proverbs and how their meanings apply to investors of any faith.

1) Establish Written Financial Goals

"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." -Proverbs 21:5

Write down your end target then determine your steps towards getting there. A little bit at a time, all of the time, is a wiser plan than taken frantic all-or-nothing shots.

2) Save and Invest Before You Spend

"Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house." -Proverbs 24:27

As Blue puts it, "don't spend in the short-term because you won't have it in the long-term."

3) Keep a Long Term Perspective

"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?" -Luke 14:28

In other words, know what you need to set aside to reach your savings goals. Your time frame is going to vary depending what your personal goals. Saving for college may be a 15-year strategy while retirement planning could involve more than 40 years. The runs are different depending on the size of your intended tower.

4) Diversify Your Portfolio

"Divide your portion to seven, or even eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth." -Ecclesiastes 11:2

Even when Ecclesiastes was written 2,500 years ago people needed to have diversification. Blue suggests not just a range of stocks but assets: some venture capital, stocks, bonds and real estate for example, though readers needs may vary. The goal isn't eliminating failures but anticipating them by having an assortment of investments.

5) Do Not Take on More Risk Than You Can Afford

"I have seen a grievous evil under the sun; wealth hoarded to the harm of its owners." -Ecclesiastes 5:13

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Nobody knows where the stock market is going to go, says Blue. There is no free lunch. As Blue puts it, "You can't be guaranteed of returns, and if you're trying to get that you're probably taking more risk than you should."

Macke, Jeff. "What the Bible Can Teach You About Investing Today." Yahoo! Finance. 7 June 2012. Web. 7 June 2012. http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/breakout/bible-teach-investing-today-132404878.html.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


June Speeches:

June 5, 2012 - MADD's Allen Teen Victim Impact Panel located at the Allen Municipal Court (301 Century Parkway, Allen, TX 75013) at 7:00 pm.

June 16, 2012 - I am teaming up with Teen Court and speaking at the McKinney YMCA to teenagers located at 300 Ridge Road, McKinney, TX 75070 at 12:00 pm.

May Speeches:

May 8, 2012 - McKinney High School Seniors/Student Council & 5th grade Pen-pals located at 1400 Wilson Creek Parkway, McKinney, TX at 12:00-2:00 pm

May 16, 2012 - MADD's McKinney Adult Victim Impact Panel located at 1800 N Graves St, McKinney 75069 at 6:00 pm.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Nanny's Obituary

June LaFaye Williams Scholl, age 74, born in Mobile, AL and a long time resident of Bay Minette, AL died Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at her residence. She worked at Scott Paper Company for over 20 years. She was a standing member of Pine Grove Baptist Church in Bay Minette and Healing Waters Church. She was an amazing Christian woman who enjoyed attending church and spending time with her family.

She is survived by her husband, Edward D. Scholl of Bay Minette, AL; her children, Gerry and Nelda Winchester of McKinney, TX and David Wixey of Bay Minette, AL; three sisters, Lavelle Franklin and Gloria Duck both of Bay Minette, AL and Pam Albert of Orlando, FL; her daughter-in-law, Joyce Wixey of Inverness, FL; five grandchildren, Josh Glover, Jason Wixey, Tonya Winchester, Tacha Winchester and Chastity Wixey and four great grandchildren, Sadie Glover, Jackson Glover, Rex Wixey and Skyler Wixey.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Heggard Ray and Ann Estelle Williams; her daughter, Kathy Wixey; a sister, Mary Murphy and a grandson, Jody Glover.

"Obituaries: June LaFaye Williams Scholl." Norris Funeral Home. 16 May 2012. Web. May 20 2012. http://norrisfuneralservice.com/fh/obituaries/obituary.cfm?o_id=1482108.

My Guestbook Entry:
"Nanny, you were such a great person and an absolute inspiration. I am so thankful for the extra time God gave us to know each other more intimately. I look forward to seeing you again and praising our God together. I love and miss you so much Nanny!"

Her funeral was Friday, May 19th but I was not able to attend due to accommodation issues in hotels. I was in my van listening to the radio at the start time of her funeral and at that exact moment, the song "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe came on. It put things in perspective for me and made me realize how she is in the presence of our Almighty God, filled with joy, and completely free of pain. I instantly gained a sense of peace. Please continue to keep my family in your prayers. Thank you.

"MercyMe - I Can Only Imagine." Youtube. 27 Sept 2010. Web. 20 May 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_lrrq_opng.

If video does not work, it can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_lrrq_opng.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nanny June Scholl ~ July 2, 1937 - May 15, 2012

Please keep my family in your prayers. My Nanny (Dad's Mom) was diagnosed with a rapid form of cancer in January. We got a call last week that she took a turn for the worse - was bedridden, not hardly eating or drinking, and sleeping all day. Also, she had been talking to her deceased daughter and grandson aloud who were "calling her home" telling them that she was not ready and still had something she needed to do. Immediately after one of these instances, she told a family member to call my Dad because it was time. So on Friday, my parents and other family members traveled to Alabama to go see her. I wasn't able to go because it is too hard for family to care for me in a hotel bed but Billy (my boyfriend) and I did call her Friday night and told her that we love her. Last night when speaking with my parents, they said my Nanny was in so much pain that she was moaning continuously and the morphine was not working. I immediately started crying and praying for her to be in peace and free of pain. At 1:00 am this morning, as my family held hands with my Nanny around her bed, they told her that they loved her and then sang "Jesus Loves Me" and she took her last breath. Her cancer finally won the fight.

My Nanny was my last living grandparent. She was a great woman, friend, Mother, Grandmother, and Aunt. She was strong in her faith and a friend to everyone. She was a single mother to my Dad, Uncle, and Aunt and worked hard to support them. She inspired me to be the best I could be, to learn from my mistakes, to know the Lord, and be a loving person. I love her and miss her terribly already. 
I would like to ask if you could please keep my family in your prayers during this time.


I thank you for Nanny and the wonderful life she led through you. I ask Holy Spirit that her loved ones find rest in your comfort, peace, and guidance. Father, please be with them and let them feel your presence. Carry and cradle them through this storm. Cover them Lord with your protection and speak to them through their affliction. May good come from this situation. May hearts be saved and lives be changed. May those affected learn to trust in you and rely on you and be there for each other. May the broken relationships in this family be healed. May hearts be opened to forgiveness and filled with love. May they all realize what the important things in life are and never lose sight of them. We don't always understand our circumstances but I pray God that all will lean on you for understanding and know that you have our best interest at heart. May you be the strength and courage that we all need. I pray for acceptance and comfort in knowing Nanny is with you - praising, dancing, smiling, and rejoicing. May we always remember her lively encouraging spirit. Thank you God for your constant presence, for blessing us with Nanny and for answering our prayers. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. May God bless you.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Luke 18:1-8 (NLT)

As I was spending time with God last night, I came across this scripture and it was exactly what I needed. Again, it is about persistence in praying. It can be difficult persistently asking anyone, especially God, for something. I know from personal experience. It makes your mind start wondering things that it shouldn't. This scripture proves that instead of feeling discouraged and defeated, we should fight the fight all the more. I hope this message blesses you and speaks to your heart.

Parable of the Persistent Widow

One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up. “There was a judge in a certain city,” he said, “who neither feared God nor cared about people. A widow of that city came to him repeatedly, saying, ‘Give me justice in this dispute with my enemy.’ The judge ignored her for a while, but finally he said to himself, ‘I don’t fear God or care about people, but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!’”

Then the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this unjust judge. Even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have [persistent] faith?”

"Luke 18 (New Living Translation)." Bible Gateway. Web. 5 May 2012. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=luke%2018&version=NLT.

*Another great version of this scripture can be found in The Message: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=luke%2018&version=MSG.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Holy Spirit Is at Work!

"Wow" is all I can say about today! So many things to share about how God is at work.

I have been praying and praying for an even closer relationship with God, for Him to speak to me and open all of my senses up to Him and His Spirit, and of course, for healing of my body. I also have prayed that God would prepare the hearts of those I invite to church, that they would accept the invitation. Well, today I received some answers to my prayers.

As I was getting ready for church, I received a text from a friend who I invited a few weeks ago saying that she was definitely coming to service today! I was so excited! Finally an acceptance from someone! It felt so great. When we arrived at church, she was already inside conversing with some family friends of ours who had no idea she was coming. I thought that was neat. We then entered the sanctuary and found our seats just in time for worship.

The music was great, as always. That is one thing I LOVE about this church (the Covenant Church) - the music! It is life-breathing! You can literally feel the Holy Spirit filling the sanctuary - every row, every seat - as our voices lift, united in praising our God! Oh, how awesome it feels... How awesome it sounds! I closed my eyes during one song, absolutely captivated in how lovely all of our voices sounded together and imagined Heaven. It sounded like Heaven.

As I was getting into one of the songs, an older man came behind me, put his hand on my right shoulder, and began praying aloud in tongues. As he prayed, he moved his hand to my right arm, my right hand, and my right leg and then to my left arm, my left hand, and my left leg. (He was praying for healing in my body.) When he finished he told me that God wants me to know how much He loves me and also wants me to write a petition for seven days as well as a letter to Jesus and at the end of the seven days, God would heal me. Before the man left to find his seat, he told me that God instructed him to come to this church and pray over a person in a wheelchair.

We continued singing but shortly later, our pastor began his message. He preached about Mary and Martha and their personalities/lifestyles (Luke 10:38-41; John 11:1-43). He said that we should not just be like Mary, always sitting at the feet of Jesus, but also be like Martha who was always busy serving, working, and preparing. He instructed that by being too much of either "Mary" or "Martha," we will miss out on what God has in store for us. Of course, my two cents on it does not give it justice but, it was a great message. As he closed, he said, "If there is anything you need prayer for, come to the front. Ask and you shall receive." It made me think of my blog yesterday and I immediately felt conviction for something I needed to confess.

I wheeled up to the front and asked one of the elders to pray over me for healing, my confession, and for my boyfriend's life struggles. One of the first things she said was, "Ask the Lord and you will receive." I thought again of my recent blog "Keep Asking and You Shall Receive; Keep Seeking and You Shall Find." She prayed and we talked for about 15 minutes. Then, as I was leaving the sanctuary, a young man (in his twenties) approached me saying that God told him to talk with and pray over me. I was thinking, "Wow! Two people in one day have not only been instructed by God to pray over me but they have also faithfully stepped out in obedience to God's instruction!" I felt very encouraged and so special in God's eyes.

The young man began trembling as tears filled his eyes. He grabbed my hand as began to pray that I would know how much God loves me and that God would grant me the desires of my heart. Throughout the prayer, he was crying and very emotional. He had been sitting in the row behind me the entire time the elder was praying over me so I was not sure if he was so emotional because he heard me tell her my story and saw me crying or if God had revealed something to him about me or if God displayed the desires of my heart to him. I later felt and came to the conclusion that it was all three.

I am writing all of this to be obedient in God's commandment "Write these things down for the future so that people who are not yet born will praise the Lord" (Psalm 102:18, NCV). God is good and I know He will heal me. I realized that it is a matter of me letting go of all fear, worry, and doubt and faithfully believing with ALL I have that God will take care of me. Today marks this complete transition.

I also wanted to share a passage with you that explains me asking the elder (has the gift of prayer) for prayer:

Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:13-16, NIV 1984).

God's love is real. God's love is near.
May you be blessed. Much love.