Thursday, April 26, 2007

Update #4

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So since my last update, I've pretty much just been doing therapy and getting my arm/ hand massage. When I heard about massage for the first time, I was like all excited. But my massage therapist actually hurts me. He claims that he barely touches me (he speaks alittle English) but... you know how guys are...! He said it hurts so much b/c I don't use my arms as much and that I need therapy w/ them. So when I get home, I'm going to do hardcore therapy... probably at HealthSouth and I need a massage therapist.

SOOOO on Friday, we went across town to get an MRI done to my neck. It took forever to get there and back, like 2 hrs in traffic. Moscow has twice as many people as DFW, 6 million total, so there's alot of traffic. When we got to this hospital, I had to take my bra off.. and that was a big ordeal (b/c of the metal wiring) and I had to be carried from another room into the MRI room. Apparently, my chair had too much metal. But anyways, my MRI turned out normal. It showed my spinal fluid everywhere in my spine except from C4-C6; which is why I'm paralyzed. However, it did show that I have a cyst inbetween my injured site which can complicate my injury and withhold my potential stem cell treatment recovery :(

On Saturday, we went down the road to a supermarket with a Michigan couple staying at the clinic also. I don't think we have anything in common at all. Every time we mention something we like or enjoy doing; they are against it. Like I ate some Mac & cheese and the man made a big deal about how bad & fattening it is. I was like... I guess I'm fat; and I was over it instantly, but I don't think he was. Haha, me n mom were laughing. But anyways, they had little shops- like Trades Day- set up outside infront of the store but what they were selling did not look appealing. I couldn't even figure out what some of it was. ewww. So we went inside, and guess what we saw? A LONG row, right when u walk in of Vodka and beer. And their food is so different. I saw a bag of cheetos, but the cheetos had no cheese. And there is no such thing as our white bread... like Mrs. Baird's. All they have are little itty bity breads; almost like french bread but 1/2 the size.

Sunday, a missionary family (origiinally from Alabama) came to visit us. And wow, they brought us some lettuce, broccilli, and RANCH! I was homesick from my fattening ranch. Then, the family prayed over us, which really lifted my spirits.

Sunday night, a hemotologist came and put a "catheter" in the artery of my thigh! I couldn't even look. It is similar to an IV u get at the hospital except there is an input & an output (a Y connection) . This is necessary for the blood transfusion that was performed today. They hooked me up to this huge machine... through the catheter in my thigh. And they drew my blood, filtered out my stem cells and put my blood back into my body. Wow, you shoulda seen all my stem cells!! Thursday is INJECTION DAY!!!
The 'pinkish' part is my Tonyalicious stem cells.

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