Thursday, April 26, 2007

The trip TO Russia

Well, if you haven't heard already, the worst part of our trip was the plane rides. Our original plans were to fly from DFW to NY to Russia. Well when we got to NY, they couldnt find my chair; so we waited on the plane an extra hr PLUS we had to wait for everyone to get off before I could get off.

And just FYI: to get in my airplane seat, I have to get onto this little bity chair thing thats like half the size of my butt, if that.. to be wheeled through the airplane isle b/c my chair is too big. Then they have to transfer me into the airplane seat. Once we arrive at our destination, I have to be transfered again on that little chair and then again in a manual airport chair and one more time into my chair.

So when we got to NY, the guys lifted me into the isle chair, but they almost dropped me. AND the little dolly chair had no where for me to put my feet (I mean, I can't move them myself) or straps to keep me in the chair (b/c I cant balance on my own too good). So here I am in this chair, w/ my feet dragging under me and me almost falling out. Plus, they sent a boy that was not strong enough to lift me. I was like trippin out b/c when he "lifted" me, he actually just dragged me & my pants started to come down. I was completely mortified and hysterical. And I was having Autonaumic Dysreflexia the entire trip (sweating, high blood pressure...). So then they transferred me into an airport chair and I was crying b/c of what a hassle it was.

We went to our baggage claim area (about a 10 minute walk) and there my chair was... but it wouldnt even turn on!! My dad had to mess w/ it. Everything was Go, Go, Go. We could never just relax. We had to hurry b/c our flight to Russia was about to leave. We had to get on this airtrain thing to go to our Delta gate. We ended up getting on the wrong airtrain and we were already running late bc of the b.s. we had earlier and we missed our flight :( So since American Airlines made us miss our flight, they paid for us to stay at a hotel and gave us dinner vouchers for $10 each but we ran into another problem at the hotel b/c each plate was $30!!! So basically American Airlines completely ruined our trip to Russia in one day.

The next day, we found out that we had to fly to France first and then take a connecting flight to Russia. The Delta staff in NY were so nice and eager to fulfill my needs :)
I don't even know where to begin with the France ride to Russia... wow. They put me in a seat where half of my thigh was hanging out of the seat. So, once everyone was onboard already, they decided to put me in another seat. Well we were crammed tight and couldn't even move. And we left an 90 minutes late b/c they were destroying my chair trying to disconnect the battery when all that was needed was to just have the chair off. My blood pressure was up b/c I was so uncomfortable so I couldn't sleep. And when we got to Russia, they dropped me on the floor!! I started crying again; they dropped me on my legs, I'm surprised they're ok. But hey, we got there safely and we sure did sleep good that night but what a hassle huh?


  1. Yes, the ride from paris to Moscow was awful....LOVE YOU TONYA FOR Going!! Mom

  2. Hi T, Your my sunshine on a cloudy day. Glad yall are back in the States. I hope alls well and we love you very very much.
    uncle Marty. P.S. Why you reckon those russian folks aint never lookin like there happy. Reckon its the food maybe.

  3. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful to God for all that I have. Whenever I start to get depressed I think of all that you are going through. I pray for you daily, Tonya, your blogs help me know what to pray for - things I never think of like your loss of privacy with all the doctors etc. poking around on you all the time. God kept you alive for a great purpose - I am a strong believer in that, and I pray more than anything for you to get a LOT of mobility back, and feel the warmth of the love that is flowing your way EVERY DAY!
