Saturday, July 20, 2013

We Must Strive Harder to Be and Live as Great Examples

I was reminded yesterday that there is always someone watching and observing the people we are and the lives we lead and that is why it is so important to lead an exemplary life - one you are proud of and one that encourages and inspires greatness. Our behaviors, attitudes, words, and interests reveal who we are - our strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, goals, and priorities in life.

The people who are in our lives are in our lives for a reason. We have been purposely placed at the locations we live, work, and frequent for a reason and these reasons are much greater than ourselves. May we recognize this fact and live as so. These people and places are our spheres of influence and you hold the power of the way they are influenced.

A friend once told me that there are three things we can do for a person - make them feel the same, worse, or better. The fantastic thing about this is, in most cases, we already know the potential consequences (good and bad) that a spoken word, behavior, or reaction can bring and make someone feel. That is the hard part and it is already done! We have been given the ability to recognize good and evil and right and wrong. May we take control of this ability and utilize it!

One of my speaking points is we only have one life, one body, and one chance to make the best decision in every situation. There is no going back. We cannot undo what we say, a decision we have made, or an impression we have given and we live in a society that is unforgiving and remembers every time you fall; every time you fail to meet perfection.

Your children, spouse, parents, co-workers, friends, neighbors, and community are your sphere of influence. It is time for us to stand up, rid ourselves of the things that hinder and corrupt us, and strive without ceasing to be and live as great examples and as the men and women God has created us to be because there are too many who are lost, who do not know God's love, and who are looking for "something" to fill and satisfy their void. These people in your sphere of influence - their lives, future, and very being - desperately depend on you and need to see God in you. So show them greatness. Show them love. Show how God has changed you. 

What is the point in all of this?
- Live a life that inspires.
- Live a life that encourages.
- Live a life that brings out the best in others.
- Live a life where God's love, fruit, and Spirit shines bright, radiates, and completely captivates others.
- Be an example.

As you do this, watch how you are strengthened and changed. This reward is as sweet as honey.

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