Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash wednesday; Jesus began preparing for the days to come and his cruxifiction. In 40 days will be Easter, the day Jesus rose. Know that Jesus died for you; He was torturd, criticized, had to carry His cross, had nails nailed deep into His hands and feet.. ALL FOR YOU, and your sins so that in return, you would bow down your life before the Lord, in aww and gratefulness. Jesus is the way, the only way. Everyone sins, know that. But Jesus died and paid the ultimate price, died from excrutiating pain, so that you would have eternal life? When the day of evil comes, the only thing that will protect you is the armor of God (Phillipians). Which side will you fight for and where do you want to spend eternal life? Just something to think about. My accident has strengthened my faith and made me so very thankful to be alive and to live as His child. If He had not saved me, I would definitely be in the pits of hell. I care about all of you, so just think about all of this. PS God has unconditional love for you.

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